10 Dec 2011


We should be using these alternatives to add more, quick, Facebook friends while we wait for CSV contact files compilation. We should take them one after the other
1.    suggesting friends to one another
2.    how to create your own CSV contact files
3.    How to download your Facebook contacts in CSV
4.    How to Host your contact files and share the link


Go to our fan page here or group here

Pick any of our lovely fans, yes any member of the group, add him/her, then suggest friends to him/her. He/she will do same too.


1.    click on the person’s name, this would take you to his/her profile page.

2.    you can only suggest friends to friends only, so add as friend if he/she is not yet your friend
3.    you will have to wait for the friend request confirmation, otherwise click on the “suggest friends” link on the bottom left pane of his/her profile page. The “suggest friends” link could also be seen on the top left corner of the profile page.

4.    wait for a window to load, this window contains a list of all your friends, you can then start selecting friends for suggestion. Note: you can only suggest 50 friends at a time and mutual friends can’t be selected (your friends that he/she is  friend to, too)

5.    click on the “suggest friends”  you are good to go

Hey! Wait i’ve got a deal for you, 1:2, for every 1 friend you suggest to me, am gonna suggest 2 back, that’s 50 to 100, 100 to 200, in that order.

Click here to accept this deal and get started

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