21 Dec 2011


Making money is as easy as 123 (that’s if 123 is easy oh). In this website you will see how to create money and wealth (hope you know they are not the same) using the 123 approach.
What does 123 money/wealth creation system mean?
Tile it vertically
1-     Get the Knowledge
2-      Use the Knowledge
3-     Sell the Knowledge
Yea let’s go, I know many questions are on your mind now. Don’t worry; read on, you will soon have them answered.

             1 button         GET THE KNOWLEDGE
T he general  awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths and principles- that’s the definition of knowledge
This knowledge should be one that seeks to solve or satisfy human problem or want. People would be eager to exchange their hard earned cash, if you have in possession skills or knowledge that would solve their problems.
I know you will be asking what and how now
People and organizations need website – Get the knowledge
People want to know how to get promoted at work - Get the knowledge
People want to know how to make money online and offline - Get the knowledge
People want to know how to become better public speakers - Get the knowledge
People want to send and learn how to send bulk SMS - Get the knowledge
They are numerous, but while you seek to acquire this knowledge, have this in mind.
-          seek for hot, high paying, worthwhile information and skills that are rare and in high demand, though you could create one, there are many on ground to be exploited
-          Seek for knowledge in fields that interest you, mostly your form of hobby, this will go a long way to keep you motivated all round.
-          Start from the known to the unknown, simple to complex. You won’t go to learn computer programming when you’re not even a computer literate.
-          Seek for knowledge that match you pocket. Don’t go into so much debt to finance your course, start with what your pocket can afford, use the 123 system on it, when your get to 3, that’s the sell-it stage you will generate enough fund to further your quest for more knowledge. Thus the 123 system could be repeated several times. You have to stay clear of debt as this could discourage, depress and create doubts in you, thus making way for failure.

Knowledge could be gotten from many sources.
These include.

1 – THE INTERNET: This serves as the biggest bank of knowledge, doing a simple search on Google in your chosen niche could turn out valuable information. Though some information on the internet are labelled for sale, this shouldn’t discourage you, after all, you’re not learning or getting them for charity use. It take money to make money, it’s a universal law that we must give in order to receive. This website www.123jobcreator.com houses a great bank of information products, hot and realistic, just pick any niche and you're good to go.

2 – SEMINARS AND WORKSHOP:  you will always hear jingles over the radio, TV and order media of upcoming seminars or workshops, if any of them catches your fancy, then find it interesting to attend. Most of them are not free, be ready to pay the price.

3 – BOOKS AND E-BOOKS: Its well said, “if you want to hide anything from an alliterate…” complete the rest, so if you know somebody is hiding something from you by putting it in print, why not wake up and search for them.

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