2 May 2014

5 Ways To Use The Internet For The Best Impact

If the 7 wonders of the world were to be rewritten, the internet will be the number one on the list.
The internet is the sole reason why this age is called the information age.
I won’t go into details about the origin or working of the internet, you can read about that here. In this post I will be showing you how this awesome tool could be harnessed for maximum output.
Its obvious that the internet can be abused and have been abused by many which has lead to catastrophic situations and incidents, yet, many if not all are benefiting from its ability to unite the world into a global village, merging thousands of miles of distance into a 3 seconds drive and providing information when needed in quality and quantity to the betterment of all who seek it.Let’s take a look at 5 ways to better the impact the internet makes in our lives.

 1.        Socialize Better

The internet has connected billions of users from different social, geographical and economic backgrounds together and this is manifest in the various social networks we have over the internet, chief of which is facebook.com.In order to socialize better, I recommend that you have a goal for socializing.
Believe me not everybody is on facebook to like, comment and share posts or imbibe whatever message the post has. 
Some are there for business, others are there for job and connections while a huge lot are there because that’s what’s trending.
Do you have a goal, if you are socializing for the sake of socializing, then how come you don’t get enough likes, comments and shares like the other dudes do?If you are there for business or career, how far have you gone, how much have you earned.
Now just like somebody coming into a country, I will ask you, are you socializing for business or pleasure.
State your purpose and stick to it, if you are socializing for pleasure, then maximize it, there are hundreds of websites out there ready to teach you how to socialize better and if it’s for business, go do your home work, learn the strategies and apply it better, luckily, all the information you need is there for grab on google, just search well. 
This leads us to the next thing to do online.

 2.     Search Better

Have you ever misplaced your phone in your room, one thing is certain; you know the phone is in the room but you don’t know where it is yet.
Welcome to internet search, everything you need is here.
To be a better searcher, dedication is needed, with a positive affirmation that what you need is already on the internet, you can be rest assured that if you work hard in your search, you will get what you want.Below are tips for better internet searches.
-Be relaxed and be positive, you will get what you want.
-Create more than 10 query variations for your search.
- Go beyond the first page; visit the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th page.
-Use special syntax like +a keyword, - a keyword e.t.c
-Learn from your search results, sometimes, the result is not in your favor because you are not using the niche language, watch new words that pop out from your result and feed it back.
-Use google translate to translate and search in other languages.
- Use google tools to filter base on time, location, page type e.t.c.
- Watch search suggestions- Use file extensions like .pdf, .doc, .txt, .ppt e.t.c 
You can google any of the tips above for more information.Now you are down to the result you need, it’s time to act upon it, that leads us to the third point.

3.     Act Better

From wherever point you get the information you want, there will be doubts, criticism and whole lot of negation to it, these are coming from people who searched well but couldn’t act better.
Like when you’ve been searching for your phone and finally find it, do you automatically get credited with 10,000 minutes air time? 
You can only use it for services based on the subscriptions you applied to it.How you apply you search result is what makes the difference.
For example, if you desire to make money online and have searched for a suitable system, per chance blogging appeals to your fancy, do you just create a blog, allow it to fallow and expect money to come in?
You will work on it, diligently and dutifully with patience until the cash starts trickling in, keep writing and keep optimizing, until you reach your target.
The same applies to any venture you undertake on the internet, none comes easy and none comes cheap, there is a price to pay.
Tips to help you act better.
-Set a goal you want to reach as your success point.
-Put a time frame around it.
-Create monthly timeline and milepost for reaching it.
-Create weekly and daily to-do list.
-Work tirelessly to cross your entire to-do list each day.
-Hold on to your chosen focal until it produces result even when better alternatives seems to present itself.
- Don't quit until you've done the drill at least twice.
- If you ever quit without the result you need, write an article about your experience and publish online, you will be saving a soul.

 4.     Learn Better

Learning is a continuous process, they say and I Aye that.
But then, its one thing to learn and another to learn better, or do I say learn smarter.
If you click on an ad that tells you, you can earn a six figure income doing nothing in the next 24 hours, I bet you are going to learn something, but that won’t be smart learning.
Smart learning involves having a filter to what you let in, it’s not that you are shutting the door to possibilities, but you know what you want, when it is real and when it’s just an illusion.
They say like attracts like, what happens to you is as a result of what you think into it.
Most individuals who get scammed  online confess to greed as the motivating factor, that’s what was inside and it attracted a corresponding experience, did they learned, yes but not smartly, some of them swore never to have anything to do with the internet again, others decided they won’t do any transaction online again.
Now let’s see tips for learning smart.
-         If it is too good to be true, chances are it is.
-         If you can’t share it with your friends and families, then don’t take it.
-         Google it with the addition of the word ‘Scam’ if you suspect any foul play.
-         Check if it has money back guarantee.
-         Local is always better.
-         Experience is the best teacher, is your teacher experienced.
Now when you’ve learnt enough, why not teach.

 5.     Teach Better

Set a man on fire and people will travel miles to watch him burn, I can’t remember whose quote this is, Emerson or so, but it doesn’t literarily mean that kind of fire, you will be in for murder.
The holy writ says, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.
When you are filled, help your brethren, weather you are on the internet for business or pleasure, there are always newbies to help out, it’s OK if you charge money for your lessons, but then, there must be a teacher, and when the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Now let’s look at tips for teaching.
-         Surround yourself with enough backup; be in the league of pros.
-         Be a pro, know you onions, be an authority, learn smart.
-         Write, post, comment and answer where possible to issues that relate to what you do online.-         Create the simplest teaching and learning system to impart your knowledge.
-         Whether you are teaching for free or for money, learn a thing or two about marketing on the internet.
-         Don’t force anybody to learn, but give strong reasons to learn.  
That’s enough for today, do you have any comment?
Simply drop it below, I will respond immediately.

Am an expert in bulk SMS business, I’ve done my due diligence in this field and I can confidently bring you up to speed in this lucrative niche, see how to get in here www.cowsms.com/resellers.php.

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