14 Sept 2012

How to get the best from your Holiday

I still recall when the rector made the comment when asked about the sudden publication of the exams time table in the first semester of the 2011/2012 academic section, in his words
 “ we are trying to meet up with the school calendar so you can have about two months to rest on your books during the long vacation”
Wow, two months.
Yes, that would be great if only you plan out your holiday well.
Not like am an expert on holiday stuff or a big fan but really I enjoy this precious moment and earnestly look forward to it. This is the moment academic and book stuffs has to give way, I sleep “Untill da morning comes” lol, I also launch out to achieve some like objectives, you know those extra curricular, at its also time to make some few bucks mmmh.
Yet, if you want to make your holiday worthwhile here are some interesting tips.

1.    MAKE A CHECKLIST: Evan before the holiday proper, you should have a list of activities and goals you are set to achieve. In your list maintain the following:
a.     BE SPECIFIC: in you list, say if you need a new phone, write “get a new nokia 3310”
b.    MAKE IT SPLITTABLE: The key to achieving a large task is breaking it into component units that could be tackled one at a time. E.g instead of  “make some few bucks” you can specify the amount and how you intend getting it like “Make 20k in the 2 months that is 2.5k per week from; -Tutorial Classes, -Soap making – Phone Repairs – Hair dressing e.t.c” This makes it easy and checks procrastination and makes the whole process fun.
c.     INCLUDE THESE: I will recommend you including the following activities in you checklist
i.                Skill acquization activity
ii.              Money making opportunity (Except you are financially overflowing)
iii.            Fun ( A real holiday can’t be complete without this, activities like Travelling, A couple of weeks in a resort, Joining a band, Partying e.t.c)
2.    STICK TO THE TIME FRAME: Stick to the time  you allocate to each activity, do not procrastinate and do not over engage, do what you have to do when you have to do them.
3.    REWARD YOURSELF: Yes reward yourself each time hit the mark on any enterprise you engaged in during the holiday session, make it fun and interesting, give yourself a treat but don’t abuse the opportunity.
4.    MAKE OUT TIME FOR SCHOOL: Probably towards the end of the holiday session, create time to think over you academics, How has you grades been, what has been limiting you from your career objectives. Make some new academic year resolutions and mark out strategies to achieve it.
5.    GET SOME NEW TOYS: We all use toys, though it becomes sophisticated as we grow, get those toys you will need for the next academic session, (phone, tablet, car, new wardrobe, e.t.c )
While you do this, I wish you a fun filled holiday; the 2012/2013 academic session starts 6th of October, 2012. Keep glued to this blog for interesting  posts like this, subscribe by email to get new posts straight to your mailbox.

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