16 Aug 2012

New Look of Polyunwana website: What it holds for you

I want to gladly direct you attention to the new look of the school website www.polyunwana.net.
Though not yet fully completed, the redesigned school website hopefully has the potential to automate and upgrade the school information system.
By information system upgrade, I mean making cyber some of the information which hitherto has been manually dissipated. Like am speaking big grammar.
It simply means
<>You don’t need to go to the admin block to check your result
<>You don’t need to come to school to check your admission status.
<>You can do your registration and pay your fees online
>And many more.

Hopefully, we are looking forward for the deployment of the above this academic session.
Tenece Proffessional services is in charge of the design and maintenance of the school website. The company which is reputable in ICT related services as it currently serves more than five other institutions in the south east and many others across the country. Once more the website is www.polyunwana.net

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