28 Apr 2012


Sure, every "A" Student in this computer era needs a computer system to help in
- Researching for Assignments, Term papers and Projects
- Use of  study aid and Softwares related to your field of study
- Entertain and relax yourself after much stress
- Search for Job opportunities and how to be presentable in the Labor market
- Organize you time use and shedules
- Network and connect with other students and lecturers world - wide
- And also Make Money as a student

That is why we networked with top system dealers and retailers to offer you cheap, customised  and rugged computers that fits into what ever field you will be using it in.

Simply Visit us at Room 37 Male hostel, Akanu Ibiam Federal Polytechnic Unwana and pick yours or place an order 

 call 07088988718


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