21 Dec 2011


Making money is as easy as 123 (that’s if 123 is easy oh). In this website you will see how to create money and wealth (hope you know they are not the same) using the 123 approach.
What does 123 money/wealth creation system mean?
Tile it vertically
1-     Get the Knowledge
2-      Use the Knowledge
3-     Sell the Knowledge
Yea let’s go, I know many questions are on your mind now. Don’t worry; read on, you will soon have them answered.

             1 button         GET THE KNOWLEDGE
T he general  awareness or possession of information, facts, ideas, truths and principles- that’s the definition of knowledge
This knowledge should be one that seeks to solve or satisfy human problem or want. People would be eager to exchange their hard earned cash, if you have in possession skills or knowledge that would solve their problems.
I know you will be asking what and how now
People and organizations need website – Get the knowledge
People want to know how to get promoted at work - Get the knowledge
People want to know how to make money online and offline - Get the knowledge
People want to know how to become better public speakers - Get the knowledge
People want to send and learn how to send bulk SMS - Get the knowledge
They are numerous, but while you seek to acquire this knowledge, have this in mind.
-          seek for hot, high paying, worthwhile information and skills that are rare and in high demand, though you could create one, there are many on ground to be exploited
-          Seek for knowledge in fields that interest you, mostly your form of hobby, this will go a long way to keep you motivated all round.
-          Start from the known to the unknown, simple to complex. You won’t go to learn computer programming when you’re not even a computer literate.
-          Seek for knowledge that match you pocket. Don’t go into so much debt to finance your course, start with what your pocket can afford, use the 123 system on it, when your get to 3, that’s the sell-it stage you will generate enough fund to further your quest for more knowledge. Thus the 123 system could be repeated several times. You have to stay clear of debt as this could discourage, depress and create doubts in you, thus making way for failure.

Knowledge could be gotten from many sources.
These include.

1 – THE INTERNET: This serves as the biggest bank of knowledge, doing a simple search on Google in your chosen niche could turn out valuable information. Though some information on the internet are labelled for sale, this shouldn’t discourage you, after all, you’re not learning or getting them for charity use. It take money to make money, it’s a universal law that we must give in order to receive. This website www.123jobcreator.com houses a great bank of information products, hot and realistic, just pick any niche and you're good to go.

2 – SEMINARS AND WORKSHOP:  you will always hear jingles over the radio, TV and order media of upcoming seminars or workshops, if any of them catches your fancy, then find it interesting to attend. Most of them are not free, be ready to pay the price.

3 – BOOKS AND E-BOOKS: Its well said, “if you want to hide anything from an alliterate…” complete the rest, so if you know somebody is hiding something from you by putting it in print, why not wake up and search for them.

Books, volumes have been written on many field of human endeavor, say you want to become a florist, it would just take a walk-over to the next bookshop, picking books on floriculture and reading them.
E-BOOK is an electronic equivalent of text books, they are virtual. You can get great volume of information you never dream of seeing in bookshops on the internet as e-books, they are mostly written in PDF format for easy reading and printing. You need to have a PDF reader to read them e.g Adebo Acrobat™ reader, get it here free
4 – VIDEOS AND AUDIOS: You can also learn by videos and audios from CD, DVD or downloaded from the internet, websites like youtube.com has a large collection of tutorial videos that might interest you.
5 – SPECIALIZED TRAINING CENTRES: Don’t feel shy to approach specialized training centres for training, no body knows your motive except you, try to negotiate with the management of such institutes for special consideration.
When I wanted to learn how to screen print (that’s printing on T-shirts, facecaps e.t.c) Even as and undergraduate then, I went to a local artist and made my interest know, he stated the requirement , “I had to serve with them for 6 months, get a shortee, sign an agreement, pay a sum of zzz e.t.c”, I gave him my deal “ I will double the amount you mentioned, I just want to learn screen printing alone, you can keep the rest and I just have one week to learn this” he accepted and that was it. I also repeated the same feat in many other skills.  I’ve got these skills within a short period of time though it cost me a fortune, I've written volumes of e-books on this topics and they are selling hot, I also enjoy doing them as a hobby.
Hope you got that, don’t feel shy or afraid to approach specialized centres and always remember to negotiate.

6 – LEARN FROM PERSONAL COACHING: Though hiring or paying a personal coach might be expensive, it’s the best way to get knowledge. Personal coaching comes in handy where the skill you need requires discipline, constant practice and immediate monitoring and evaluation. These include driving, golfing, martial art, other forms of sports, e.t.c
 In choosing a coach, look out for this,
-          be sure the person is and expert in the field
-          be sure he trained under a coach too, not just from a do-it-yourself manual
-          be sure he is experienced, at least 3 years experience
-          he is a happy fellow and has good communication skills

                    123jobcreator.com logo          US E THE KNOWLEDGE
The second step is the “do-it” aspect; you will need to practice the skills you learnt in step 1.
It’s important you pass through the do-it step because it
  1. builds your confidence
  2. Helps you modify and repackage your knowledge
  3. Helps you fund the next level
  4. Serves as a reference point
1 – IT BUILDS YOUR CONFIDENCE: By constant practice of the acquired knowledge you have a reserve of experience which tends to give confidence in your chosen field. You can then beat your chest and say “I can do this and this, I did it before, I can do it again” and yes you can

This forms a very interesting point in the do-it stage. You won’t just be retailing what you’ve got; it’s time you put allures and paint this knowledge to the awe of your clients and customers.
e.g when I learnt the skills I told you in step 1, I didn’t do what others do, open an art store or a photo framing  studio e.t.c, this is what I did, I call it rebranding


I checked out a hobby or event with the most fans in my area. I found out football fans would always spend anything to show their fanatism. I designed T-shirts exhibiting club slogans. I went to managers of football viewing centres and did deals with them, I placed prototype of these T-shirts around the viewing centre, with the information that fans could have such t-shirts with their names written on it. All they had to do was contact the viewing centre manager. It clicked like hell. I won’t tell you how much I made from it.
I also wrote e-books and videos on this course and sold them in CDs to schools. You can get them here


Gush am revealing a secret I could have sold for zzz dollars …Ok
Like I said earlier, I didn’t do what the normal photo framer would do, with the help of some friends and partners, I mapped my town. Highlighting major spots, purposefully omitting some big companies and hotels, (they paid handsomely to have it fixed anyway).
I proceeded to mass print the maps in a printing press, then with the aid of my framing skill, I framed them and sold to eateries, joints, households…
I also wrote and e-book on how to do this stuff. It’s selling hot here
FUND THE NEXT LEVEL Yes, you won’t be donkeying at this level for charity, understand what I mean, it’s true you will be gaining experience, confidence and what have you at the do-it level. But that doesn’t mean you should do these services for free. You know that manually donkeying a the do it level wont guarantee the financial freedom and absolute wealth you earnestly look forward to.
In a nut shell, remember to make savings to fund the next level as this requires capital for publicity, labour, material and machines if need be, use this time to work on these.

If after the do-it stage, you hit-it-big by lets say publishing a hands-on manual for kids, now the setup clicked, did I say set up, sorry the business clicked ok.
Then one day you're invited to this TV show where a level- headed kid (as is always the case) throws this to you, “hello, Mr do-it-smart, how do you explain the situation, if its filed against you that the hands-on manual you sold kids never works, just like a bounced check, can we hand you over to the EFCC” Nigerians know what this means.
Well if you did step 2 which is the do-it stage, you will confidently flash a wicked grin and carelessly say,
“its been working for me for the past zzz I am CONFIDENT it would work for any body (sorry any kid)  who follows the procedures” that’s simple, but if you hurriedly skipped step 2 and suicidally bungled yourself to level 3.
Am sorry this kind of question ruins business, just pray you don’t bite your tongue or even wet your pants.

          header logo for 123jobcreator.com        SE LL THE KNOWLEDGE
This where many business persons fail headlong; get the knowledge, do-it like a pro, but miss this part and you’ve just succeeded in wasting your time.
This also the reason most business in Nigeria don’t survive the first 5 years. I call it intelligent madness, cos a mad man does the same thing repeatedly and expects a different result each time.
Or else why should a sane business person regard advert as a waste of resources, not event the signpost pointing to his enterprise could represent him
Like am quarrelling isn’t it, am sorry
You should understand that effective marketing is the key to success in business
In step 1 “get the knowledge”, I recommended you seek out knowledge for fields that are in high demand, though every field could turnout huge returns except probably making coffin, this product may be hard to market.
In step 2 I talked about rebranding or was it modifying the acquired knowledge, this is important where the existing form is outdated, boring or expensive (people would go for the new stuff)
Like I did in step 2, I didn’t waited for my client or customer to come for my service as is the tradition, rather, I figured out what my clients needed and made effort to meet them, it paid excellently and they appreciated what I gave them.
There are several medium for selling your acquired knowledge they include
-          organising seminars and workshops
-          CD and DVDs
-          Print
-          Internet website and blogs
-          E-book
-          Personal Coaching
1 – SEMINARS AND WORKSHOP: Yes you can organise seminars and workshops you can impact knowledge to others. You will profit by the tuition they pay to participate in this seminar or workshop, let’s say you organise a seminar where 40 persons attended each paying N5000, that’s a cool N200K in a few hours.Remember what is worth doing is worth doing well, plan assiduously all the way.
2-  CDs and DVDs: Your knowledge could be packaged in video, audio or e-book format in CDs and DVDs. You could then set out a distribution channel for it afterwards. It’s advisable you also copyright these CDs and DVDs.
3 – PRINT: Yeah, This my favourite, write a hands-on manual about your niche, then publish it as a leaflet, pamphlet, magazine or text book.
4 – INTERNET WEBSITE / BLOG: This method is most preferred because it’s cost effective and you have a ready market for your product. No body might be interested to learn how to us an AK47 rifle offline (gush why did I use this), but you can get a high number of sales online.
The internet is most convenient for your sales as it connects billions of users from across the globe, many who are just looking for the information you have.
To efficiently market online you need a website, yes don’t be intimidated by that, owning a website is very easy.
You could get a website like www.123jobcreator.com within 24 hours for less than 5k, click on this link to see how.
You can otherwise use the service of free blogs, like blogger or wordpress.
Note: People trust and are comfortable doing business on websites than blogs, so aim to get a website.
5 – E-BOOK: In combination with the internet, electronic copies of your write up could be sold from your website or sent as email attachments
6 – PERSONAL COACHING: You could teach others for a fee, make sure you develop a coaching system for easy mentoring; dividing your course in steps would do a great deal.
After you’ve don this
Here comes the real work

Are you surprised, you think we are done? Pick your dictionary: MARKETING: The activity of presenting, advertising and selling a companies product in the best possible way: oxford advance learners dictionary
You want to organise seminars? People are tired of seminars, jingles and adverts are everywhere, and people who organise seminars get broke.
But you recommended seminar as a medium of selling  knowledge?
Yes, it’s a very good medium, but you need strategy to push past. A working strategy, lets say, you organise a free seminar.
Free!! Who pays for it then?
Participants, just package the same knowledge you want to teach in CDs, Text books e.t.c.
Go over the media, announce your free seminar, promise the moon, (not the sun, everybody knows the sun), people would flock.
On the day for the seminar, make it lively, hire a supper DJ, comedians and supper entertainers, allow them eat into two hours of the seminar time, occasionally remind through the MC  the features of the seminar.
Finally appear on stage, use one hour to summarise everything your supposed to teach, intentionally omitting relevant information with the excuse that time’s against and they are fully  treated in the CDs or text, tell them you have limited copies.
60% of your participants have enough money with them to buy your product on the spot.
Don’t ask me how I know,
The rest can borrow or you may give them a location where they can pick this product afterwards.
This works like magic
You can device many more strategies for your seminars and workshops just like you can for any other medium of selling your product.

Join our marketing club for a course in marketing, learn numerous of strategies for selling your product.
-          E-book
-          Publishing in prints
-          Organising seminars and workshops
-          Videos and Audios
-          How to Advertise your products effectively 


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